Education Projects
Education opens doors for a better personal and collective future. Unfortunately, it is still a privilege for some. We see to make it a right especially for less privileged children, families and local communities.
School Supplies
Provision of school supplies to 100 internally displaced kids between the ages of 7 and 10.
Cost per child, per year:
Scholarship (Tuition support)
Tuition Support for 75 Orphans
Cost per child, per year: $200
Food for Education
Providing a meal per day for internally displaced children in North West and South Regions, Cameroon.
Cost per child, per day: $1
Empowering through skill-building
Empowering internally displaced women through skill-building sewing and knitting.
Cost per woman, per month:
Building resilience of crisis victims
Building resilience of Anglophone Crisis Victims through psycho-social assistance.
Cost per person, per seminar (5 sessions):
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